Thursday, May 13, 2010

April 4, 2010: Feliz Pascua, yo.

Hey. Not much time to compose this, as my battery is about dead, but we wanted to say "Happy Easter" and share some pictures from this past weekend - Holy Week is much bigger here than in the States - everything shuts down, they tape seals across the doors of bars and liquor stores, and you cook massive quantities of food for everyone in your town. I was lucky enough to spend the week with Lena's family in Rio Conejo, where we cooked chiverre (think watermelon/pumpkin hybrid), made the most massive tamal ever, walked in a procession, saw a re-enactment of Jesus' trial and crucifixion, and generally had a hoot. No chocolate or fake plastic grass or real family time (though we had plenty of host family time), but it was pretty all right.

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